


Special Programs for students from disadvantaged families (The Sunrise Program and Extended Sunrise Program, 2013 to current)

Under the “Application” admission route in 2013, NTHU created a series of special programs, The Sunrise Program and the Extended Sunrise Program, to provide academic and financial support to students from disadvantaged families. The two programs have been established to help reach the University’s goal of increasing the percentage of disadvantaged students enrolled at NTHU. Since 2013, more than 3.4 million USD (updated in Dec. 2022) has been allocated under the Sunrise and Extended Sunrise Programs.These funds will support students throughout the course of their studies. Applicants will be reviewed holistically, focusing on academic performance, intellectual vitality, and personal context.

※旭日招生由大學申請入學管道招生,通過第一階段篩選考生請依簡章規定時間完成1. 第二階段甄試報名(勾選報考組別) 2. 繳費(經濟弱勢者經認證者免繳,但仍需勾選報考組別) 3. 至甄選會上傳(勾選)審查資料。上述程序如未能於簡章規定時間完成,將不符合報考資格,詳細規定依大學甄選入學委員會(申請入學簡章公告-校系分則查詢 011國立清華大學)公告為主

本校扶弱措施網站參閱   https://totakeoff.site.nthu.edu.tw/